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24 APRIL 2020
Riva Levitan spear-headed an online petition to the MOH to open capitation model funding (FHOs) to all family physicians in Ontario.
To date, that petition has garnered more than 5,800 signatures, from MDs, patients, colleagues and others.
8 MAY 2020
In a virtual town hall meeting hosted by MPP Joel Harden of Ottawa Centre, France Gelinas, Aly Abdullah, Joel Harden, and Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth talked about the health care system and risk of clinic closures in Ottawa and across Ontario. Watch here.

SEPTEMBER 2020 RxAdvocacy was founded by Drs Nili Kaplan-Myrth and Ariel Troster.
Founded to challenge the status quo.
Learn about how Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth's advocacy journey lead to Rx Advocacy using the links below >
Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth spoke with CBC News about how the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting her community. The interview was picked up throughout the country.
Following this, Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth wrote a piece for the OMA, linked here. This piece was followed up with another interview with CBC about how family clinics have been left without support.
Dr. Nili Kaplan Myrth's advocacy work for family physicians was soon picked up by multiple news outlets throughout the province. Her work is linked below:
23 MAY 2020
Wendy Glauser, a health reporter who wanted to write an article comparing funding models for doctors across Canada, contacted Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth. She published an article in the CMAJ on May 23rd, linked here.
6 AUGUST 2020
Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth publishes in the Ottawa Citizen about the importance of unity across professional lines in advocacy work. Her OpEd is linked here.
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